- Teavitame, et sulgeme mobiilioperaatorite m-makse teenuse piletiostmiseks ja rahalaadimiseks telefonil 1322 alates 20. jaanuarist 2025. Osta pileteid ja laadida raha saab pilet.ee veebilehel tasudes pangalingi või pangakaardiga ning füüsilistes müügikohtades. M-makse teenuse võimalus jääb alles Pilet.ee mobiilirakenduses.
- Enne ISIC kaardi või muu MTÜ Eesti Üliõpilaskondade Liidu (EÜL) väljastatud kaardi lisamist ühistranspordi süsteemi palume aktiveerida oma kaart eduid.ee veebilehel.
Nõudepeatus 2 Tänased väljumised
Augametsa - Kevade - Kangelaste maja - Jaam - Paemurru
Kevade - Siivertsi - Tempo - Jaam - Paemurru
Jantar - Jaam - Tempo - Peetri ring - Paemurru
Augametsa - Kevade - Tempo - Jaam - Paemurru
Augametsa - Tempo - Jaam - Paemurru
Kevade - Siivertsi - Tempo - Jaam - Paemurru
Jantar - Jaam - Tempo - Peetri ring - Paemurru
Augametsa - Tempo - Jaam - Paemurru
Augametsa - Kevade - Tempo - Jaam - Paemurru
Augametsa - Tempo - Jaam - Paemurru
Augametsa - Tempo - Jaam - Paemurru
Piletite infoliin: 6118000 (24h)
E-post: info@pilet.ee
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Proovi uuestiKasutustingimused
- Users of Ridango ticket-office on the Internet or Ridango apps for other electronic devices, agree to comply with the following terms and conditions:
- Ticket office is administered by Ridango AS, address Järvevana tee 7b, Tallinn 10112, Estonia, e-mail: info@ridango.com
- Ridango sells tickets on request and behalf of other companies and local authorities and has no right to set or change the price of tickets. The rights and obligations connected with the ticket are set and informed of by the entity whose tickets are sold and Ridango is not liable for the content or fulfilment of or for the changes to these rights and obligations. Exchanges and/or refunds are set and managed by the entity whose tickets are sold, if not otherwise stated.
- Users receives the ordered ticket(s) accordingly to the chosen option and payment.
- By start using the ticket office web-page the users agree that besides cookies which are strictly necessary for navigating the web, Ridango uses cookies to collect statistical data and these cookies can be that of the Ridango or of a third party.
- Ridango ticket-office web-site may include references and links to worldwide information on the Internet. As Ridango has no control over these sites and information provided there, Ridango takes no responsibility for the exactness, relevance, content and information of these sites.
- Any usage of this website, its content and data (incl reference to ticket-office) for unlawful purposes as well as for ticket sales, advertising, business purposes or any other commercial activities (incl soliciting) is prohibited without Ridangos's prior written consent.
- Ticket-office users agrees not to interfere in any way with the proper working and technical solutions of Ridango ticket-office website. Any monitoring of ticket-office usage and copying, reproducing, altering, using and publishing such data results on any purposes is prohibited. Any action that imposes an unreasonably large load on our ticket-office system, on our web-site or on the proper working of ticket-office is prohibited.
- Violation of ticket-office terms gives Ridango the right to restrict or block the user’s access.
- Using the ticket office web-site its user has to be at least 18-year-old fully responsible person or if 7-18 year-old, has full approvals from a lawful representative to use ticket-office.
- All users of the Ridango ticket-office grant their unconditional consents to Ridango for the handling of their personal data in the essence of the EU Personal Data Protection regulations as applicable in the Republic of Estonia. The personal data handled by Ridango under these terms is limited to the data for operating the online ticket-office and selling the respective tickets online, chosen by the user.
- Ridango reserves the right to alter the terms without prior notice, alterations are enter into effect by their publication on the web-site.
- Any disagreements arising from the use of ticket-office web-site are handled by Harju County Court and in accordance with given terms and Estonian legislation.